PlantSight E3D Bridge Extractor Help

Installing the export macros for AVEVA E3D 1.1.x.x - 2.2.x.x

Copying files to your E3D Installation

  1. Copy all the folders from c:\Program Files\Bentley\PlantSight E3D Bridge Extractor\Server\ExportMacros\PDMx folder to your PMLLIB path.

    You can get this path by querying in the E3D command window: Q EVAR |PMLLIB|

  2. After you place the scripts pack in the correct PMLLIB folder, you will need to execute a PML REHASH ALL in the E3D Command window or restart E3D.

Adding a UI Button

  1. Start the Design module.
  2. Right click on any toolbar and select Customize.
  3. Right click on the Commands list, expand the New submenu and then select Button.
  4. In the properties of the newly created button:
    1. Set the Caption to 'Export to PDMx'
    2. Set the Command to 'Macro: show !!PDMxExportFrm'
    3. Set the Icon if you require an icon
    4. Set the tool tip if you require a tool tip
    5. Click Apply
  5. Find and expand the Ribbons in the list on the left side, and expand the Tabs.
  6. Select and expand the appropriate tab.
  7. Select and expand the appropriate group.
  8. Drag and drop the Export to PDMx button to the selected group.
  9. Click Apply

    The Customize window closes.

The new toolbar button should appear on the selected tab.